Stella D'Entremont - President / Présidente
Tony Holland - Vice President / Vice président
Nancy LeBlanc - Treasurer / Trésorière
Maha Dweik - Program Coordinator / Coordinatrice de programme
Jocelyne Gagnon - Secretary / Secrétaire
Mathieu Chiasson - Contest Coordinator / Coordinateur des compétitions
Mathieu Chiasson - Educational Coordinator / Coordinateur éducatif
Brian Black - Events Coordinator / Coordinateur d'évènements
Guy Brun - CAPA Liaison / Liaison avec CAPA
Glen Nichols - Membership Coordinator / Coordinateur des membres
TBD - Equipement Coordinator / Coordinateur d'équipements
TBD - Social Coordinator, Coordinatrice d'évènements sociaux
Bernice McGraw LeBlanc - Webmaster / Coordinatrice du site Web
André LeBlanc - Past President / Président sortant
Stella D'Entremont
President / Présidente
Stella d’Entremont, an award-winning wildlife photographer, is an Accredited Professional Photographer of Canada (PPOC) with three professional Accreditations: Wildlife, Ornithology/Bird Photography, and Fine Art/Photo Décor. Always looking for ways to improve her photography, in 2020, she attained her Certified Judging Certificate from Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA). Since then, she is busy judging for national as well as regional photography competitions.
Believing in giving back to the photographic community as a volunteer she is not only the President of Focus Camera Club, but also the Vice President of (CAPA), and Social and Education Chair for PPOC.
Stella has been a member of Focus Camera Club (FCC) since 2018. The club has helped her find a community where like-minded people share ideas and techniques.
Tony Holland
Vice President / vice president
Tony began his photography journey in 2016 when immigrating from Ontario to New Brunswick. The seeds were planted in 2015 in joining the Richmond Hill Camera club in 2015. Previous years of international travel and poor photo results convinced me the best way to learn was from others combined with online information. I joined Focus CC in 2019 and started to learn. In 2020 my photo development was interrupted with health distractions. My portfolio of pictures is at best eclectic and includes mostly seaside landscape with a smattering of other east coast related scenes. I am looking forward to assisting on the executive this year as the club has so much to be offered to the members and so many interesting learning opportunities.
Jocelyne Gagnon
Secretary / Sécretaire
Jocelyne a toujours eu un intérêt pour la photographie. Par contre, c’est seulement durant les dernières années que son intérêt pour la photo est devenu plus grande. Ses intérêts principaux sont les paysages, la nature, la photographie abstraite et la documentation de ses voyages. En 2015, elle participe à un concours de photos organisé à son travail et une de ses photos est maintenant exposée au Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada à Shediac.
Jocelyne a suivi des cours/ ateliers avec Lawrence Nicoll, Maurice Henri, Paula Lirette et Don Martel. Elle est membre du Club Focus Camera où elle vient de décrocher une première place dans un de leur concours. Elle aime faire la lecture sur la photographie ce qui lui aide à augmenter ses connaissances et sa technique sur le sujet. Tout récemment, elle développe un intérêt pour le portait qui s’alignent très bien avec “Du monde de par che nous”.
Jocelyne has always had an interest in photography which has grown over the last couple of years. Her main interests are landscapes, nature, abstract and documenting her travels. In 2015, she entered a contest at her place of employment and one of her photographs was chosen and is on display at the Government of Canada Pension Centre in Shediac.
Jocelyne has attended courses / workshops with Lawrence Nicoll, Maurice Henri, Paula Lirette and Don Martel. She is a member of the Focus Camera Club and recently won first place in a club contest. She enjoys reading about photography which helps her increase her knowledge and technique on the subject. Recently, she has developed an interest in portraiture which aligns well with “Du monde de par che nous”.
Mathieu Chiasson
Educational Coordinator / Coordinateur éducatifs
Mathieu started his photographic journey in September 2017 when he joined the Moncton Focus Camera Club. With the help of his peers and a lent camera, he quickly learned the ins and outs of photography by participating in outings and contests through the camera club.
When he bought his first non-point and shoot camera he started challenging himself and shooting more. He loves shooting the Moncton Magic basketball team for which he did many games in 2018 including their team photo.
Through his challenge, he created a small publication titled "A Road to Photography" in which he shares his experience and what he learned through personal challenges as he shares the resulting pictures of his challenge.
Mathieu is also a Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) member and completed the CAPA National Judging Course in 2018.
Bernice McGraw LeBlanc
Website/Site web
Bernice a développé sa passion pour la photo dès le secondaire quand elle a suivi un cours de photographie avec un photographe professionnel à Tracadie. Cette passion se poursuivi lorsqu'elle reçu en cadeau à sa graduation universitaire: sa première caméra avec film, une Minolta. Dans les années 2000 elle se procure une caméra digitale, "point and shoot", mais réalise que celle-ci ne répond pas à ses besoins. En 2016, en prévision de sa retraite, elle s'achète sa première caméra DSLR, une Canon 5Ti. Pour optimiser l'appareil, elle suit un cours avec Maurice Henri qui lui fait découvrir une panoplie de possibilités. En octobre 2017, elle joint le club Focus Camera Club et le groupe ArtQuest avec Maurice Henri. Elle ne manque pas d'occasion pour suivre différents ateliers offerts par Don Martel, Maurice Henri et par le club. Cette année elle s'est donné le défi de participer à tous les concours du club de photo, un défi qu'elle a relevé avec brio ayant remporter la première place dans la catégorie Intermédiaire pour l'année 2018-2019.
Bernice developed her passion for photography in high school when she took a photography class with a professional photographer in Tracadie. This passion continued when she received a gift at her university graduation: her first camera with film, a Minolta. In the 2000s she received a digital camera, a "point and shoot", but realized that it didn't meet her needs. In 2016, in anticipation of her retirement, she bought her first DSLR camera, a Canon 5Ti. To optimize the apparatus, she followed a course with Maurice Henri which makes her discover a variety of possibilities. In October 2017, she joined Focus Camera Club and ArtQuest with Maurice Henri. She doesn't miss an opportunity to follow various workshops offered by Don Martel, Maurice Henri and the Club. This year she has taken on the challenge to participate in all the competitions of the photo club, a challenge that she has successfully met with winning the first place in the Intermediate category for the 2018-2019.
Guy Brun
CAPA Representative / Représentant à CAPA
Photography can play a significant role in expressing the magnificence of the natural world and our relationship with it. I have managed to bring together a life-long passion for photography and nature. I’m mostly self-taught and have always had an appreciation for the visual arts. For many years I had photographed almost exclusively with 35mm SLR film cameras. As digital photography came around I quickly realized its potential and fully embraced it. I’m a firm believer in doing it right in the camera, but also believe that in fine art photography, post editing of the image is a critical step in the creative process. A good print in hand completes the photographic cycle and over the years I have gained much experience with this craft.
Photographing wildlife is when I feel most in my element. Of the wide array of possible subjects, birds are a favorite, and much effort has been devoted to learning the related techniques, including knowledge of animal behavior and their habitats.
I approach the art of photography as a life-long learning experience. Enjoying interaction with other photographers, sharing images and information, making presentations and judging contests. Aside from being successful in several photo competitions over the years, my work has appeared in ads, articles, calendars, magazines, art galleries, slide presentations, television and social media. Some works have found their way into private homes and commercial establishments. Beyond photography I enjoy retirement after a long and fulfilling career with Environment Canada. I’m always a strong advocate for the protection of our planet - our only home.
André LeBlanc
Past President / Président sortant
André LeBlanc’s photographic journey started at a young age when he purchased his first camera, a Polaroid One Step. He knows it wasn’t the world's best camera by any fetch of the imagination but he found it incredible that he could take a picture and then one minute later see the results. In the early 1980s, while living in the Canadian Rockies, he purchased a Pentax K1000 35mm camera. Then in 2000, he put his old faithful 35mm Pentax on the shelf and took the leap to the digital world. After upgrading many times over the last 15 years, he is now shooting with a Nikon DSLR D7000 and a Nikon Mirrorless J1.
When he bought his Pentax in the early 80’s, he took an introduction to photography course to learn the foundation of photography. One of his favorite learning resources is Lynda.com where he follows a variety of photography courses on techniques, composition and photo processing with Adobe Lightroom. He recently completed a photography course led by Maurice Henri in Moncton to reinforce his photographic skills.
André’s primary fields of interest in photography are nature, landscapes, underwater photography and travel documentaries (which mimics his interest in life). He enjoys travelling and has visited over 25 countries and documented various cultures, people, nature and architecture with his photographs.
He has been a member of the Moncton Focus Camera club since 2013, and has given presentations to club members on several occasions. He placed second in the year long club competition in 2014-15 season for photographer of the year, and he was the club grand winner of the Ken Dunphy Award for Best Landscape in 2015.