EVENTS 2021-2023

Scott Kelby Photowalk at Irishtown
Saturday October 7st 2023
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 am
Location : Irishtown Park
Meet with other Focus Camera Club members and go for a fun walk to explore the park and capture photos of nature. Afterward, post some of your best shots on our Facebook page to have a chance to win a prize.

Photographing at the Zoo
Saturday October 1st 2022 - Rain date Oct 2nd
Time: 8:30 am
Location : Magnetic Hill Zoo
Cost : $14.00
Come with your camera to photograph at the zoo. We will meet in the Parking lot at 8:15 AM as a group. The Zoo will opens at 8:30 for our group. (Regular opening hour is 10 AM)
All participating members must purchase a ticket online for the Saturday October 1st 10 am session by Friday September 31st. If we are rained out, the ticket will be valid for Sunday October 2nd.
Buy your ticket at: www.zoodemagnetichillzoo.ca

Fall Colors - Mapleton Park
October 15th, 2022 (Rain date October 16th, 2022)
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
Location : Mapleton Park - Gorge Road Parking Lot
Cost : Free
We will be meeting as a group at the Mapleton Park Parking Lot on Gorge Road, Moncton. All are invited to come and capture the beautiful fall colors.
We will be meeting at the Parking lot on Gorge Road at 8:15.

CAPA Judging Course
November 5th, 2022
Date November 5th, 2022
Time 9 AM - to - 6 PM
Location Centennial Lodge Moncton
Address 125 Rotary Lodge Ln, Moncton, NB E1E 0B2
Contact : Stella D'Entremont
Max # of participants : 30
Cost Host Club $125
CAPA Individual Member $125
Non CAPA Member $175
Certified Judge (valid individual member and on the certified judging list) $75
Host club $125 CAPA Individual Member $125 Non CAPA Member $175 Certified Judge (valid individual member and on the certified judging list) $75

Spring is in the Air (Baker's Dozen)
May 14th 2022
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Location : Irishtown Park NB
Cost : Free
Come explore nature while practicing your photography technique and composition rules. Participants will receive a list of items to photograph along with the technique/rule to use. All levels of photographers are welcomed.
Please register through the contact us page and indicate the title of the outing in the Subject. Email will be sent with instructions or any changes prior to the outing to registered members.
Contact for the event : Jacinthe LeBlanc

TWIRL MY WORLD - Long exposure outing at the local fair
June 2nd 2022
Time: 8:30 pm -10:00 pm
Location : Moncton Coliseum Parking Lot
Cost : Free
Join us for an outing at the local fair where you will be able to practice long exposure photography. Advanced photographer(s) will be on hand to guide beginners and answer questions.
Tripod and shutter release recommended.
Please register through the contact us page and indicate the title of the outing in the Subject. Email will be sent with instructions or any changes prior to the outing to registered members.
Contact for the event : Jacinthe LeBlanc

June 8th, 11th and 13th 2022
The workshop consists of 3 sessions with Joel Culligan around abstract photography. Joel was the lead instructor of the Mckenzie College Photography course.
Session 1 - Introduction to Abstract Art (on-line session)
Session 2 - On location shooting-Students will put to practice, the concepts learnt in session 1.
Session 3 - Edits and Critiques of images shot during session 2 (on-line session)
Cost: 30$
Maximum participants: 12
Please register through the contact us page and indicate the title of the workshop in the Subject. Once registered, you will be contacted with instructions on making payment.
**Please note that your spot is only reserved when fee is paid in full.**
Contact for the event : Jacinthe LeBlanc

Postponed new date to be determined
2022 (Mathieu & Jacinthe)
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Location : Saint John NB
Cost : Free
Details to follow

Beginner Photography Field Trip New date
Sunday, November 7th 2021 (Mathieu & Jacinthe)
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Location : Meet at the Moncton City Hall
Cost : Free
This is a HANDS ON outing, through specific exercises and challenges, members will learn about Shutter Speed and Aperture and ISO and put to practice the material learned in the off week sessions with Mathieu Chiasson.
Advanced photographers will be available to guide the beginner photographers and answer their questions. Please make sure to bring your camera manual.
You need to be double vaccinated and will need to bring proof of it and an ID.
Register Online using the contact us page of our website.
Photography The Game (Part 2 - 3 challenges)
Saturday, October 2nd, 2021- Centennial Park - 1PM
Don't miss the fun event.
Come out and challenge yourself.
Register via the Contact Us page
Cost : free
details at : https://www.instagram.com/photothegame/

Dates to be determined
(3 session event)
1.online learning

You be the composer
Dates to be determined
Details to Follow

You’ve been Framed
Dates to be determined
Details to Follow

Postponed new date to be determined
Online learning - STREET PHOTOGRAPHY
2022 - Jacinthe
Time: 7PM
Location : Zoom
Cost : Free
Details to follow

Sunset at the Beach
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
2 meeting locations - 6:00pm à At the Kouchibouguac River in Grand-Barachois where hurricane Dorian destroyed an old fishing wharf.
Address à 1919 Route 133, Grand-Barachois - 7:00pm à At Unit #102 at 90 De La Breche Road, Grand-Barachois, for beach, silhouette and sunset pictures.
Sunset is at 7:45pm. Usually the best pictures are up to 15-20 minutes afterwards.
A tripod is recommended but not necessary.
Parking can be in Unit #102 driveway or outside Villa Sur Plage entrance.
Photography The Game (Part 2 - 3 challenges)
Saturday, October 2nd, 2021- Victoria Park - 1PM
Don't miss the fun event.
Come out and challenge yourself.
Register via the Contact Us page
Cost : free
details at : https://www.instagram.com/photothegame/

Color my world
Dates to be determined
Details to Follow

December 4th 2021 - Jacinthe
Time: 10:00
Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2021
Location : Meet in front of City Hall
Cost : Free
Join us for the Christmas Scavenger Hunt to have a chance at winning a prize. Wear a festive hat and load photos for view at our Christmas party to have a chance at more prizes.
Please register using the Contact Us button at the top of our page.
You will need to show proof of double vaccination and ID. All Covid protocols to be followed.
**DOWNLOAD IMAGES BY DECEMBER 9TH IN PHOTO FOR VIEW. Instruction will be giving on Saturday.

Xtmas Virtual Party-Fête de Noël virtuelle
December 14th 2021
Because of ongoing COVID19 uncertainties, the Club XMAs Party will again be virtual this year. The date is Tuesday December 14th at 7:00 pm. Put it on your calendar. We will still have a lot of fun! More informations will come later.
Compte tenu des incertitudes concernant la COVID 19, la fête de Noël du club sera à nouveau en mode virtuel cette année. Ce sera le mardi 14 décembre à 19h00. Marquez votre calendrier: nous aurons encore beaucoup de plaisir! Plus d'informations suivront.

Christmas Light at the zoo
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Details to Follow

Barrel Racing, Pole Bending & Reining
Saturday August 7th, 2021
Join us for a day of sports photography. Capture the fast action of horse and riders going through the course in the fastest possible time. In pole bending, there are 6 poles around the course while in barrel racing, there are 3 barrels.
Princess Louise Park, Sussex NB, Meet at 9:30AM
Leave Moncton by 8:30, Meet at the Tennis/Basketball courts
Our equestrian expert Ceci Snow will get us instructions at 9:30 am. Where to better position yourself? What setting to use? What to look for? What makes the best equestrian photos?

Johnson's Mills - Sandpipers
Saturday August 14th, 2021
Outing to Johnson's Mills
High tide is at 5:15 -
Meet at the Johnson's Mill interpretation center Parking lot at 4PM
Event time 4PM-6PM
DSLR with your longest focal length

CANCELLED _ Elsipogtog Pow Wow
Saturday September 4th, 2021
This organizing committee has decided to postpone this years powwow.

Flower Photography
Sunday, July 25th, 2021
Our very own Mona Savoie has invited us to her house to do flower photography. Mona has huge flower gardens that she meticulously maintain. Online learning session on flower photography will be offered prior to this session but is not mandatory to attend the outing.
Session starts 9:30 for better lighting
Register online via the contact us

Freeman Patterson Outing
Sunday, July 11th & July 19th, 2021
Outing Freeman Patterson property at Shamper’s Bluff. The dates are July 4th and July 19th. 9 members per group. To be fair to all members, ne of our meeting.
Cost: 40$ plus tax per participant
Register online via the Contact Us page.

2020 FCC Virtual Christmas Party Program
December 17th, 2020
You are invited to our Virtual Christmas Party on December 17een
on Gomeeting. The room will open at 6:30 as usual and the party will officially start at 7:00
Everybody is encouraged to wear some Christmas decoration (Santa Claus tuque, garland, shirt, sweater…etc) to reflect the festive atmosphere.
We encourage you also to bring your preferred drink, coffee, tea, wine, beer, scotch…, anything you would like to sip during our party.

10 Photo Challenge
January 21st, 2021 @ 1pm
This season we are again looking for submissions to wow the club. This is not a contest but is an exercise to challenge your photography skills and develop your ability to dream up and carry off an idea.
The only rule is that your images not be shown anywhere until January 21st.
The theme of your presentation can be anything from what’s on your mind to something neat that looks great in pictures.

2020 X-Mas Scavenger Hunt Themes
December 11th, 2020
The challenge this year is very different from past X-mas Hunts. You could do the Hunt anytime you wish as long as you upload your photos (1 for each theme) at the time limit: Dec. 11, Midnight. You could do it anywhere you want, your home or elsewhere, alone or with your buddies! There will be only five (5) themes this year.
Humoristic (anything!)
Original pic of one or more people with Xmas theme (could be a selfie!)
X-mas colors (Abstract)
Xmas decoration (repetition minimum 3)
Xmas scenery (in or outside)

10 Day Facebook Challenge
December 11th, 2020
Starting on February 1st, participants will have to take a photo of something or someone beginning by the letter announced each day between 5 to 6 pm.
Participants will have until 12 pm the next day to post their photo on Facebook. Their will be an extra, not mandatory, photographic challenge for those who wish.
A name will be drawn each day for Club members participating that day, for a prize being an 8 X 10 enlargement of one of their photo.
At the end of the 10 days challenge, Club members having participated each day will be eligible for the draw of 2 great prizes.

Black and White Photography Training
November 24th, 2020
Session 2: Online Learning: Tuesday November 24th at 7:00 PM
Members will be asked to submit images taken at the workshop. These images will be used to teach members how to properly process Black and White images.

Creative Photo Workshop
November 1st and 10th, 2020
We welcome you on an outing of photographic creativity to slow down and see things differently. This workshop is for all levels of photographers, from beginner to advance. There's no technical part in this workshop, camera full auto or even phones are welcome. We've divided this workshop into 2 parts.
The second part (optional) will be an online discussion taking place later where you will be asked to share your favorite image from each exercise. Jacinthe and Mathieu will go through images offering feedback on some of their favorite images and also initiating discussions on lessons learned.